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예술, 당신의 삶 속으로

Covalt420 갤러리의 작품들은

새로운 관점과 영감을 제공합니다.

예술을 더 가까이에서 느끼고, 다양한 회원 혜택으로 더 많은 즐거움을 누리세요.

디지털 아트가 주는 특별한 경험을 통해, 당신의 일상을 더욱 빛나게 만드세요.

Loyalty Program

Earn points and turn them into rewards

  1. 01

    Sign Up

    Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program

  2. 02

    Earn Points

    Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.

  3. 03

    Redeem Rewards

    Redeem points for various discounts.

Program tiers

  1. 프렌즈

    0 total earned points required

    Earn Points
    • 제품 구매Get 1 point for every ₩1 spent
    • 회원 가입 축하 Get 10,000 points
    • Order a planGet 1 point for every ₩1 spent
    Redeem Rewards
    • 변동 리워드10 Points = ₩1 discount
    • 멤버할인10 Points = 10% off for all store products
  2. 패밀리

    50,000 total earned points required

    Earn Points
    • 제품 구매Get 1 point for every ₩1 spent
    • 회원 가입 축하 Get 10,000 points
    • Order a planGet 1 point for every ₩1 spent
    Redeem Rewards
    • 변동 리워드10 Points = ₩1 discount
    • 멤버할인20 Points = 20% off for all store products
  3. 시그니처

    100,000 total earned points required

    Earn Points
    • 제품 구매Get 2 points for every ₩1 spent
    • 회원 가입 축하 Get 20,000 points
    • Order a planGet 2 points for every ₩1 spent
    Redeem Rewards
    • 변동 리워드10 Points = ₩1 discount
    • 멤버할인20 Points = 20% off for all store products
  4. 프라임

    200,000 total earned points required

    Earn Points
    • 제품 구매Get 3 points for every ₩1 spent
    • 회원 가입 축하 Get 30,000 points
    • Order a planGet 3 points for every ₩1 spent
    Redeem Rewards
    • 변동 리워드10 Points = ₩1 discount
    • 멤버할인30 Points = 30% off for all store products
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